By Hon. Prof. Kariuki Muigua, OGW, PhD, C.Arb, FCIArb is a Professor of Environmental Law and Dispute Resolution at the University of Nairobi, Member of Permanent Court of Arbitration, Leading Environmental Law Scholar, Respected Sustainable Development Policy Advisor, Top Natural Resources Lawyer, Highly-Regarded Dispute Resolution Expert and Awardee of the Order of Grand Warrior (OGW) of Kenya by H.E. the President of Republic of Kenya. He is The African ADR Practitioner of the Year 2022, The African Arbitrator of the Year 2022, ADR Practitioner of the Year in Kenya 2021, CIArb (Kenya) Lifetime Achievement Award 2021 and ADR Publisher of the Year 2021 and Author of the Kenya’s First ESG Book: Embracing Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) tenets for Sustainable Development” (Glenwood, Nairobi, July 2023) and Kenya’s First Two Climate Change Law Book: Combating Climate Change for Sustainability (Glenwood, Nairobi, October 2023), Achieving Climate Justice for Development (Glenwood, Nairobi, October 2023) and Promoting Rule of Law for Sustainable Development (Glenwood, Nairobi, January 2024)*
Ethics, integrity and best practices are fundamental in mediation. They serve various functions such as guiding the conduct of mediators, informing parties to the mediation process about the standards they should expect during the process and promoting public confidence in mediation as a conflict management process. Various standards have been developed towards enhancing ethics, integrity and best practices in mediation.
Impartiality in mediation requires a mediator to refrain from exhibiting favoritism or prejudice towards any party or any position taken by a party in mediation. A mediator is expected to remain impartial throughout the course of the mediation. Further, impartiality requires a mediator to be aware of and avoid the potential for bias based on circumstances such as the parties’ backgrounds, personal attributes, or conduct during the session, or based on any pre-existing knowledge of or opinion about the merits of the dispute being mediated. In the event that a mediator is unable to conduct the mediation process in an impartial manner, he or she is expected to withdraw from conducting the mediation.
Conflict of Interest
A mediator is expected to avoid any conflict of interest during the conduct of the mediation. Conflict of interest in mediation may arise from involvement by a mediator with the subject matter of the dispute or from any relationship between a mediator and any party to the mediation, whether past or present, personal or professional, that reasonably raises a question of a mediator’s impartiality. In order to avoid such situations, a mediator is expected to disclose all actual and potential conflicts of interest known to him or her. Further, the mediator is expected to disclose instances of conflict of interest that may arise during the course of the mediation. The rules on conflict of interest are aimed at preventing bias in mediation and fostering fairness and integrity of the mediation process.
Competence requires a mediator to know the limits of his or her ability; to avoid taking on disputes that he or she is not equipped to handle; and to communicate candidly with the parties about his or her background and professional experience. Competence in mediation comprises of appropriate knowledge and skills which would normally be acquired through training, education, and experience. It has been asserted that a person who agrees to act as a mediator holds out to the parties an appropriate level of expertise and competence to mediate effectively. As a result, a mediator is expected to avoid taking disputes in cases where such a mediator is not competent and withdraw from acting in cases where he or she can longer competently manage the dispute. Competence is vital in ensuring the integrity and appropriateness of the mediation process.
Privacy and Confidentiality
and confidentiality are among the key attributes of mediation. These features require mediators to safeguard the privacy of the mediation process by refraining from disclosing any matter that arose during the mediation including information about how the parties acted in the mediation process, the merits of the case, any settlement offers or agreed outcomes unless the parties agree otherwise. Privacy and confidentiality are central to mediation since they allow parties to freely engage in candid, informal discussions of their interests towards reaching the best possible resolution of their dispute without concerns of such information leaking to third parties. Mediators therefore have a duty to maintain privacy and confidentiality and not disclose any information to third parties unless in situations where such disclosure is allowed. Privacy and confidentiality are cardinal in upholding ethics, integrity and best practice in mediation.
Quality of the Mediation Process
A mediator has an ethical duty to safeguard the quality of the mediation. He or she should ensure that the mediation proceedings are conducted in a satisfactory manner by encouraging mutually respectful behaviour among the parties. A mediator should further be diligent and ensure procedural fairness in order to foster the quality of the mediation. In addition, the mediator should discourage conduct by the parties which may undermine the quality of the mediation proceedings and terminate such proceedings where the parties’ conduct undermine the quality of the mediation.
Costs and Fees
Mediators have an ethical duty to ensure full and fair disclosure of any costs and fees that the parties will incur during the mediation. In order to ensure integrity and best practice in regards to fees, a mediator is required to obtain an agreement from the parties about the fees and charges payable for the mediation and about how those fees and charges are to be apportioned between them. Further, a mediator should not charge fees based on the outcome of a mediation or calculated in a way that could influence the manner in which the mediator conducts the mediation. A mediator is therefore expected to ensure appropriateness and reasonableness of fees in order to uphold the integrity of the mediation.
Termination of Mediation
In order to uphold integrity and best practice in mediation, a mediator has an ethical duty to terminate the mediation proceedings in cases where a party is abusing the process or where there is no reasonable prospect for a resolution. A mediator may also terminate mediation proceedings if he or she is of the view that a resolution is being reached that to the mediator appears unenforceable or illegal having regard to the circumstances of the dispute and the competence of the mediator for making such an assessment. Termination of mediation proceedings is a key measure towards upholding ethics, integrity and best practice in mediation by preventing abuse of the mediation process and outcomes that may be illegal or unenforceable.
*This is an extract from the Book: Promoting Rule of Law for Sustainable Development (Glenwood, Nairobi, January 2024) by Hon. Prof. Kariuki Muigua, OGW, PhD, Professor of Environmental Law and Dispute Resolution, Senior Advocate of Kenya, Chartered Arbitrator, Kenya’s ADR Practitioner of the Year 2021 (Nairobi Legal Awards), ADR Lifetime Achievement Award 2021 (CIArb Kenya), African Arbitrator of the Year 2022, Africa ADR Practitioner of the Year 2022, Member of National Environment Tribunal (NET) Emeritus (2017 to 2023) and Member of Permanent Court of Arbitration nominated by Republic of Kenya. Prof. Kariuki Muigua is a foremost Environmental Law and Natural Resources Lawyer and Scholar, Sustainable Development Advocate and Conflict Management Expert in Kenya. Prof. Kariuki Muigua teaches Environmental Law and Dispute resolution at the University of Nairobi School of Law, The Center for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP) and Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies. He has published numerous books and articles on Environmental Law, Environmental Justice Conflict Management, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Sustainable Development. Prof. Muigua is also a Chartered Arbitrator, an Accredited Mediator, the Managing Partner of Kariuki Muigua & Co. Advocates and Africa Trustee Emeritus of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 2019-2022. Prof. Muigua is a 2023 recipient of President of the Republic of Kenya Order of Grand Warrior (OGW) Award for his service to the Nation as a Distinguished Expert, Academic and Scholar in Dispute Resolution and recognized among the top 5 leading lawyers and dispute resolution experts in Band 1 in Kenya by the Chambers Global Guide 2022 and was listed in the Inaugural THE LAWYER AFRICA Litigation Hall of Fame 2023 as one of the Top 50 Most Distinguished Litigation Lawyers in Kenya and the Top Arbitrator in Kenya in 2023.
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