By Dr. Kariuki Muigua, PhD (Leading Environmental Law Scholar, Sustainable Development Policy Advisor, Natural Resources Lawyer and Dispute Resolution Expert from Kenya), The African Arbitrator of the Year 2022, Kenya’s ADR Practitioner of the Year 2021, CIArb (Kenya) Lifetime Achievement Award 2021 and ADR Publisher of the Year 2021 and Author of the Kenya’s First ESG Book: Embracing Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) tenets for Sustainable Development” (Glenwood, Nairobi, July 2023).
Kenya has a promising future as the preferred seat and venue for international arbitration. All that is required is for the stakeholders to work closely in order to eliminate the challenges identified in this chapter as well as ensuring that the law and institutional practice stays up to date as far as international trends in international arbitration are concerned. Here are some proposals for making Kenya a preferred seat for international arbitration:
Capacity Building on Arbitration
Kenya has qualified and experienced arbitrators who are arbitrating commercial disputes around Africa. Indeed, following the revival of the East African Community and the expansion of regional trade, the possibility of Nairobi becoming a regional centre for arbitration is very high. Therefore, the prospects of international commercial arbitration in Kenya are really promising. However, with the changing trends at the global scene, there is a need for the practitioners and the judges to stay abreast with what is happening. In addition, with the international commercial arbitration taking root in Kenya in recent years and the ever increasing institutional capacity, there is a need to equip students and practitioners with the basic knowledge in their quest for expertise in the area.
Marketing and Arbi-Tourism
The stakeholders in arbitration sector in the country can utilise arbi-tourism to market Kenya as a preferred seat and venue for international arbitration. Arbitourism (arbitration tourism) may be defined as the promotion of arbitration alongside tourism. Kenya is known globally for its tourism sector and thus, the stakeholders in the arbitration and dispute resolution sector should make use of this fame. While marketing Kenya as a tourist destination, there is a need for the ADR stakeholders to consider working with the ministry of tourism and all other relevant ministries to market Kenya as a friendly seat and venue for international arbitration. This could be done by providing incentives in terms of subsidized hotel and park rates for those who are in the country for international arbitration. The relevant government and private stakeholders should also take advantage of international conferences and seminar forums to market the country as a friendly and viable seat and venue for international arbitration.
Enhancing Security
Over the last several years, Kenya has had an unprecedented level of insecurity from both internal and external forces such as the Somali Islamist group, Alshabaab. This has negatively affected the image of Kenya as a safe destination for tourism and business due to this increased insecurity. While the government has done much in improving security over the years, the perception that the larger horn of Africa is insecure still affects Kenya’s rating. If effort towards marketing Kenya as a preferred seat and venue for international arbitration are to bear fruits, then there is a need for the stakeholders in the security department to work closely with other regional leaders to eradicate the insecurity or the perception for the same since security is paramount for both local practitioners and the foreign ones, together with their clients.
Adherence to the Rule of law
The Constitution of Kenya, 2010 provides under Article 259(1) that the Constitution should be interpreted in a manner that: promotes its purposes, values and principles; advances the rule of law, and the human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Bill of Rights; permits the development of the law; and contributes to good governance. While international arbitration has developed over the years to stand as a transnational legal order, its outcomes still heavily rely on national courts and laws in conservatory orders as well as recognition and enforcement of arbitral should also take advantage of international conferences and seminar forums to market the country as a friendly and viable seat and venue for international arbitration.
Supportive Institutional Framework and Informed Judges
International arbitration is an important component of the right of access to justice especially in commercial disputes. There have been efforts over the years to ensure that the legal and institutional framework on access to justice in Kenya achieves that: fulfilment of the right of access to justice. Notably, this right comes with several components as a means to an end. In the case of Dry Associates Limited v Capital Markets Authority & Another; Interested Party Crown Berger (K) Ltd71, the High Court outlined some of the components of access to justice as follows: [110] “Access to justice is a broad concept that defies easy definition. It includes the enshrinement of rights in the law; awareness of and understanding of the law; easy availability of information pertinent to one’s rights; equal right to the protection of those rights by the law enforcement agencies; easy access to the justice system particularly the formal adjudicatory processes; availability of physical legal infrastructure; affordability of legal services; provision of a conducive environment within the judicial system; expeditious disposal of cases and enforcement of judicial decisions without delay.”
Further, in Kenya Bus Service Ltd & another v Minister for Transport & 2 others [2012] eKLR, the Court affirmed that “the right of access to justice protected by the Constitution involves the right of ordinary citizens being able to access remedies and relief from the Courts. The Supreme Court also elaborated on the confines of access to justice in the case of Francis Karioko Muruatetu & another v Republic72, in the following words: [57] Thus, with regard to access to justice and fair hearing, the State through the courts, ensures that all persons are able to ventilate their disputes. Access to justice includes the right to a fair trial. If a trial is unfair, one cannot be said to have accessed justice. In this respect, when a murder convict’s sentence cannot be reviewed by a higher court, he is denied access to justice which cannot be justified in light of Article 48 of the Constitution.
International Cooperation
As already pointed out, international arbitration developed over the years to achieve the status of a transnational legal order. As such, its development and continued acceptance heavily relies on cooperation amongst various states in both developing and developed world to recognise and enforce the outcome of international arbitration in their jurisdictions. There is therefore a need for Kenya work closely with other likeminded states in Africa and beyond in order to build its capacity and have a ready market for its institutions.
Easy Access and Travel to Kenya
One of the factors that make any country to lag behind in attracting international arbitration practitioners and parties’ preference for a country as their preferred seat for their arbitration is difficulty in accessing the same physically, should they require traveling there. The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is set to ease the entry of established US companies into the local market. If concluded, the reciprocal trade deal would grant the US government unfettered entry for its companies into nearly all segments of Kenya’s economy, including the heavily guarded ones. While this may come with intended and unintended repercussions for the job market for Kenyans and local companies, the same is also likely to bring some work for the local arbitrators and institutions, if they are ready to grab the opportunity and well prepared for the same. As for foreign parties that may not have their businesses running local subsidiaries, they can benefit from government to government agreements on either complete waiver of visas or convenient arrangements that might allow business persons entering the country to get their visas on arrival.
Kenya is among the very few states in the world that offer visa exemption to quite a number of particular nationalities. Currently, the citizens of 43 states can travel to Kenya without a visa, only a passport is necessary to enter the country, and there’s no need to get a Kenyan visa. The only exceptions to this rule involve the citizens of Rwanda and Uganda, part of the East African Agreement, who can travel to Kenya only with their Identity Cards. As a way of promoting Kenya as a preferred seat for international arbitration, Kenyan stakeholders in arbitration may consider approaching the Government for either visa free entry or specialized processes for visa processing for parties who choose to carry out their arbitration in the country or choose Kenya as their preferred seat and decide to visit the country for business.
Effective Supporting Institutions
As already mentioned elsewhere, Kenyan courts have shown a positive attitude towards ADR and arbitration and are willing to minimize court intervention as envisaged under the relevant laws. There is a need for ensuring that this continues and also ensuring that lawyers and judicial officers are not used by parties to frustrate the arbitration process. Only then will the practice of international arbitration in the country grow and attract international clientele.
Enhanced Access to Internet and Cybersecurity
With the world becoming global village due to the advancement in technology, it is possible for parties to carry out their international arbitration proceedings from different parts of the world. Technology has also become a valued part of arbitration proceedings and has been embraced by all the major arbitral institutions across the world. The corona virus pandemic has forced many professions to resort to the use of virtual forums to conduct meetings. While Kenya has made considerable steps in enhancing access and the use of internet in the country, the same cannot be said to be satisfactory. The country has also made some progress in putting in place cybersecurity law, a step towards enhancing trust for dispute resolvers and their clients. There is however a need for the local arbitration practitioners and institutions to borrow a leaf from their international counterparts and invest in the appropriate software and hardware necessary for virtual arbitration. Technology can save parties valuable time and resources and still achieve justice.
Perception of Corruption
Kenya’s justice sector and its key players have consistently been rated poorly as far as corruption index is concerned. Section 35 confers the High court powers to set aside an arbitral award under the circumstances provided under that provision. Notably, Section 35(2) of the Arbitration Act sets out the grounds upon which the High Court will set aside an arbitral award upon the applicant furnishing proof. These grounds include, inter alia: where fraud, undue influence or corruption affected the making of the award. The High Court may also decline recognition and/enforcement of an award if its making was affected by fraud, corruption or undue influence. There is a need to fight corruption in order to create conducive environment for international arbitration and eliminate any notion or perception that the government is likely to interfere with private commercial arbitration matters.
*This article is an extract from the Book: Settling Disputes Through Arbitration in Kenya, 4th Edition (Chapter Thirteen), Glenwood Publishers, Nairobi, 2022 by Dr. Kariuki Muigua, PhD, Senior Advocate of Kenya, Chartered Arbitrator, Kenya’s ADR Practitioner of the Year 2021 (Nairobi Legal Awards), ADR Lifetime Achievement Award 2021 (CIArb Kenya), African Arbitrator of the Year 2022, Africa ADR Practitioner of the Year 2022, Member of Permanent Court of Arbitration nominated by Republic of Kenya and Member of National Environment Tribunal (NET). Dr. Kariuki Muigua is a foremost Environmental Law and Natural Resources Lawyer and Scholar, Sustainable Development Advocate and Conflict Management Expert in Kenya. Dr. Kariuki Muigua is a Senior Lecturer of Environmental Law and Dispute resolution at the University of Nairobi School of Law and The Center for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP). He has published numerous books and articles on Environmental Law, Environmental Justice Conflict Management, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Sustainable Development. Dr. Muigua is also a Chartered Arbitrator, an Accredited Mediator, the Managing Partner of Kariuki Muigua & Co. Advocates and Africa Trustee Emeritus of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 2019-2023. Dr. Muigua is recognized among the top 5 leading lawyers and dispute resolution experts in Band 1 in Kenya by the Chambers Global Guide 2022 and was listed in the Inaugural THE LAWYER AFRICA Litigation Hall of Fame 2023 as one of the Top 50 Most Distinguished Litigation Lawyers in Kenya.
Muigua, K., Settling Disputes Through Arbitration in Kenya, 4th Edition, Glenwood Publishers, Nairobi, 2022, p. 261 to 264.