The World recognizes Dr. Kariuki Muigua as a leading Environmental Law, Governance and Dispute Resolution Scholar as evidenced by his recent nomination as Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The appointment of Dr. Kariuki Muigua as Member of PCA is proof of his “known competency in questions of international law” and his “highest moral reputation.” At the same time, Africa as a Continent has recognized Dr. Kariuki Muigua as a leading Environmental Law and Dispute Resolution Practitioner as confirmed by his award of both African Arbitrator of the Year 2022 and African ADR Practitioner of the Year 2022 for his exploits in ADR and especially in handling Environmental and Natural Resources Disputes. At the National Level, Dr. Kariuki Muigua has scooped lifetime awards both for excellence as ADR Practitioner and as a Member of the National Environmental Tribunal, the leading tribunal by number of decisions made in Kenya.
The question, then is, what is next for Dr. Kariuki Muigua? As a Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, Dr. Kariuki Muigua is in the distinguished company of not less than 80 Professors of Law, Current and Former Chief Justices, Current and Former Chief Justices, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Distinguished Current and Former Ambassadors from around the world as well as leading legal practitioners in their respective jurisdictions. This begs the question: Is it now the time for Dr. Kariuki Muigua to be venerated and celebrated at home by his peers at the University of Nairobi and at the Law Society of Kenya as a Professor of Law and Senior Counsel respectively.
It is informative that Dr. Kariuki Muigua is one of the few distinguished law practitioners in Kenya who can boast having a Pupil in the Roll of Senior Counsel before making it to the upper echelon of the bar himself. Surely, one must be Senior Counsel material to mentor their protégé into Senior Counsel. AS regards Professorship, Dr. Kariuki Muigua is arguably one of the most published Law Scholars in Kenya and Environmental Law Scholars around the World. Dr. Kariuki Muigua is author of dozen Environmental Law and Dispute Resolution Books and over hundred peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters. He has supervised handful of PhDs Students in the area of Environmental Law, Environmental Studies and Dispute Resolution.
Indeed, as the African Arbitrator of the Year 2022, Dr. Kariuki Muigua, PhD is more than just an Arbitrator, he has earned his reputation as a distinguished legal practitioner in Kenya and a leading environmental scholar in Africa and the world. In addition to the many accolades and awards given to Dr. Kariuki Muigua over the years, he has researched extensively and published widely on environmental law and practice and is a Senior Lecturer in the practice area at University of Nairobi. Dr. Kariuki Muigua has supervised researchers on environmental law and undertaken numerous consultancies in the area. He is also a respected environmental law jurist as the LSK Representative Member at the National Environment Tribunal. Having been in environmental law scholarship for over 20 years, it begs the question: Is it time for Dr. Kariuki Muigua to become Professor of Environmental Law and Senior Counsel?
Dr. Kariuki Muigua stands out as one of the most distinguished environmental law scholars in Africa and one of the foremost experts in Environmental law, environmental justice, sustainable development and natural resources conflict management in Africa and the World. As a specialist scholar in environmental law and natural resources conflicts/disputes resolution, Dr. Kariuki Muigua is highly esteemed by many in environmental law and conflict management circles as a scholar, academic, author, dispute resolution expert, mentor and consultant. He has supervised and examined a handful of PhDs on environmental and natural resources law and conflict management in the last 5 years and more than a dozen Masters of Law and Arts students specializing in environmental law and policy, dispute resolution and conflict management.
In the last decade, Dr. Muigua has earned the esteem and pride of place among leading scholars and experts for his efforts in research and scholarship in the areas of Environmental and Natural Resources Law, Environmental Law Governance, Human Rights and Constitutionalism, Environmental Justice and Conflict Resolution. He has written extensively and is at the forefront in exploring the nexus between environmental law and human rights, Land and natural resource rights, economic law and policy of governments with regard to environmental law and economics. His research in environmental law and conflict management including dozens of refereed journal articles have received hundreds of scholarly citations in the last five (5) years.
As an author in Environmental Law, Dr. Muigua has authored at least ten (10) books in Environmental Law and Governance. In particular, he is the co-author of the book “Natural Resources and Environmental Justice in Kenya” (2015), author of Nurturing Our Environment for Sustainable Development (2016), Securing Our Destiny through Effective Management of the Environment (2020) and Achieving Sustainable Development, Peace and Environmental Security (2021) which was hailed by reviewers as “a must read for students, teaching fraternity, members of the bar and the bench, legislators, policy makers, environmentalists and the public in general.” Further, he is the author of Fostering Environmental Democracy and Biodiversity Conservation (2021), Exploring Conflict Management in Environmental Matters (2022), Attaining Environmental Justice for Prosperity, Volume 1 and Volume 2 (2022), Nurturing Our Environment for a Green Tomorrow (2023) and Realizing True Sustainable Development (2023).
Dr. Muigua has also collaborated extensively with various environmental advocacy groups in Kenya and regionally. He advocates the setting up of effective policy, legislative and institutional frameworks for the resolution of environmental conflicts. He is an ardent commentator and contributor to debates on sustainable development goals and has worked closely with many stakeholders in the areas of environmental access to Justice. He has also made learned presentations on environmental law to various interest groups and organizations in his capacity as an authority in the area.
Dr. Kariuki Muigua is also an Environmental Consultant, an Accomplished mediator and a Chartered arbitrator who has resolved numerous disputes touching on natural resources and extractives industry. He works with professionals in the environmental field especially in the areas of Environmental Resources and their management through Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Mediation and Public Participation. He is a Member of the National Environment Tribunal, the lead statutory adjudication body for environmental disputes in Kenya, from 2017 as Nominee of the Law Society of Kenya.
Dr. Muigua completed his PhD in Law Thesis a decade ago at the University of Nairobi researching on “Resolving Environmental Conflicts in Kenya through Mediation” focusing on the areas of Public Participation, Mediation and Environmental Democracy. His Masters Dissertation was titled “The Resolution of Natural Resource Conflicts in Kenya through Arbitration and Mediation.” He has received widespread training and experience in both international environmental law and alternative dispute resolution and conflict management over the years.
Dr. Muigua teaches environmental law at the University of Nairobi Faculty School of Law, Centre for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy (CASELAP) and the Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies in the University of Nairobi. He has also facilitated seminars on Environmental Conflicts and ADR, Environment and Conflict Prevention and Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit among others. He has written several consultancy reports on environment and natural resources management whose recommendations are in application in Kenya and beyond.
Besides being an environmental law scholar and practitioner, Dr. Kariuki Muigua is the Managing Partner of Kariuki Muigua & Company Advocates and is highly esteemed as a Senior Advocate of more than 30 years standing in Kenya. Dr. Muigua is also a Chartered Arbitrator, Fellow of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Fellow Institute of Certified Secretaries of Kenya and Member of the Kenya Institute of Management of Kenya. He has been ranked by the prestigious Chambers and Partners Directory as one of the top-ten Arbitrators in Kenya for the last three years.
Dr. Kariuki Muigua was the Africa Trustee of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK) 2019 to 2022 and the Inaugural ADR Lifetime Award Winner awarded by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Kenya Branch) for his immense contribution to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) Practice in Kenya and across Africa. Dr. Kariuki Muigua was also awarded the ADR Practitioner of the Year Award by the Law Society of Kenya (Nairobi Branch) for his efforts in fostering ADR Practice among lawyers through excellence, mentorship and training. In addition, Dr. Kariuki Muigua was feted as the ADR Publisher of the Year by CIArb (Kenya) for his scholarship and editorial prowess in the area of ADR.